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Our Bradbury garden!

Over the years we have managed to maintain the beautiful garden out side the Bradbury Care Centre. We have watched the plants bloom and grow in size. The array of colour is always beautiful ranging from the roses to the ceanothus.

The walkway is lined with window boxes, tubs and baskets filled with seasonal bedding plants. Colours as bright as the sun. Not forgetting our little forget me knot garden, which is what we are all about.

The garden is always a good talking point with people, a bit like the weather! Whether it be wet, too dry, too cold and now again too hot! It has a calming feel to it and can be a great place to go and sit, even if only for 10 minutes. You can either bask in the sunshine, look out for the birds on the feeders or even listen to the rain from the patio.

Service users often love help maintain the raised beds that we had especially installed. Changing each year what we plant in them. This has varied from Green Beans, Tomatoes to Wild flowers and bedding plants.

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